donderdag 4 november 2010

Personalized billboards.

Computer firm IBM announced they are developing a program which will make it possible to detect the interests of passers-by. Imagine you’re walking around in the city and you pass one of those new digital advertising screens and suddenly, your name appears on the screen, offering  you a product you actually were interested in. Using this technology can be very beneficial for companies. They will be able to reduce wasted advertising to people who aren’t interested in the products they offer and as a consequence, also reduce the amount of badly targeted advertising expenditures. Not only the firms will benefit from this new technology, It will also reduce the amount of irritating advertising that comes up to customers about things they are not interested in at all. All of this would be possible by encoding RFID chips (the same chips which are used on the London underground) with individual information.Telegraph
Ann-Sophie Parmentier

4 opmerkingen:

  1. I also found some information about personalized billboards. Check 'How to target tourists in New York? '

    Julie Scheipers

  2. I think i have found an interesting site about billboards.
    On this site you can find any possible place where you can advertise by using billboards...

    Anthony Pieters
